Lifeline is the only pre-calver for the calf as well as the cow. Ireland’s number 1 choice of pre-calver minerals as it the only product that boosts colostrum quality for...
Master Sheep is specifically formulated for ewes pre-tupping, pre-lambing and post-lambing and contains a full complement of essential minerals, vitamins (A, D3, E and B) and trace elements (including Zinc for...
The Nutribio feed block range is a highly versatile range of weatherproof feed supplements that are formulated to bridge the gap between forage and expensive concentrates in cattle and sheep....
Complimentary mineral feeding stuffContains a blend of seaweeds. Approved in Organic systems Approved for use in organic systems by the IOA, Veterinary justification is required. Our bucket lick is suitable...
Ewe-reka Ewe-reka is made with ewe milk – the closest milk replacer to mothers milk! To help improve lamb health and performance Shine Ewe-reka is made with whey products from...
1. CHAMPION calf milk replacer contains high quality whey milk ingredients resulting in efficient absorption of the high protein levels. 2. Inclusion of Triple Shield Protection:» Increases the growth of...
Uniblock Horse is the perfect product to supply horses with the essential minerals and vitamins whilst at grass. Contains high levels of copper, zinc, manganese to support good health, growth...
Uniblock’s Sheep Mega Block is a feed bucket manufactured to provide ewes with sufficient energy and protein plus all essential minerals and vitamins during the pre-partum period to support the...
Key Benefits: Extra high energy, ideal for ewes from tupping through to lambing, weaned lambs, and growing and finishing cattle Concentrated sugar energy to optimise grass and forage utilisation Fortified...
Unitup is a great choice of feed supplement for both ewes and rams to get them ready for the tupping season. Contains fish oil (Omega 3s) which have been proven...
The only lick for the lamb as well as the ewe. Contains immune-boosting ingredients to stimulate the ewe’s immune system Patented blend of ingredients shown to boost colostrum quality by...
Health and Wellness Calf/Beef was designed to provide growing animals with all the essential minerals to include high levels of copper, zinc and all your cattle’s other mineral requirements at...
Boost cattle health with the help of Uniblock’s Beef Booster. The only beef bucket with 4 sources of copper, vital for cattle grazing on reclaimed or high molybdenum soils to...
Help avoid grass tetany (Hypomagnesia) in cattle with Uniblock’s High Mag bucket. Uniblock High Mag is the safest way to feed magnesium – it contains 2g of sugar for every...
Uniblock’s HerdMinder was designed for cattle post-calving to do two jobs. 1. To provide them with magnesium to prevent grass tetany and 2. Phosphorus to help boost fertility for mating....
The only pre-calver designed with the calf in mind as well as the cow. Lifeline is Ireland’s number 1 choice of pre-calver as it the only product that boosts colostrum...